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Hulkoti-582205, Gadag District, Karnataka State


ADVERTISEMENT No. ASF/Estt./01/2023-24, Dated 05-08-2023
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following vacant posts under plan scheme at ICAR- K.H. Patil Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hulkoti, Gadag District, Karnataka State funded by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
Sl.No. Designation of the post No. of Post Essential Qualification/Eligibility Upper Age Limit Pay Scale & Grade pay
1 Senior Scientist and Head 01 Doctoral degree in relevant subject including relevant basic science with 8 years experience in the relevant subjects as Scientist/ Lecturer/ Extension Specialist or in an equivalent position in the Pay Band-3 of Rs.15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs.5400/ Rs.6000/ Rs.7000/ Rs.8000 having made contribution to research/ teaching/ extension education as evidenced by published work/ innovations and impact. 47 years Pay Level-13A with rationalised entry pay of Rs.131400 + DA + HRA + TRA
2 Subject Matter Specialist (Agronomy)/T-6 01 Master's Degree in Agronomy or equivalent qualification from a recognized university. 35 years Pay Level-10 with rationalised entry pay of Rs.56100 + DA + HRA + TRA
3 Programme Assistant (Lab Technician)/T-4 01 Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture 30 years Pay Level-6 with entry pay of Rs.35400 + DA + HRA + TRA
4 Driver for Tractor (T-1) 01
  1. Matriculation pass from a Recongnised Board
  2. Possession of a valid and appropriate Driving License from prescribed Government Authority (the Candidate will have to pass the practical skill test to be taken by an appropriate Committee)
  1. One year trade Certificate in the relevant field from ITI; or
  2. Experience of driving in a recognized Institution; or
  3. Experience of motor mechanic work
30 years Pay Level-3 with entry pay of Rs.21700 + DA + HRA + TRA
Download the application proforma prescribed for the posts notified above from this website of the ICAR-KHPKVK, Gadag or of A.S.F., Hulkoti, Gadag. The candidates have to obtain Application Proforma through website only.  
* Click here for application form of Senior Scientist and Head Senior Scientist and Head
* Click here for application form for SMS (Agronomy) post Agronomy
* Click here for application form for Programme Assistant (Lab Technician)/T4 Lab Technician  
* Click here for application form for Driver for Tractor (T-1) Driver  
General Instructions:
  1. The last date for receipt of application is 05-09-2023. If the last date happens to be a closed holiday, the next working day will be taken as crucial last date. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of application from candidates.
  2. Separate applications should be made for each post.
  3. Agricultural Science Foundation reserves the right to fill up the post or cancel the advertisement.
  4. This KVK is functioning under the Acts and Statutes of ASF and not under ICAR. The Posts are Non-Governmental under Agricultural Science Foundation.
  5. Agricultural Science Foundation does not take the responsibility of absorbing the candidate in case of closure of KVK Project.
  6. Age relaxation to SC/ST/OBC/Other categories/In-service candidates will be given as per ICAR / Government of India norms.
  7. Candidates whose applicatons are as per norms will be called for written examination/Interview. If the number of applications is large, ASF may restrict the number of candiates for written examination/Interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience.
  8. No TA/DA shall be admissible to attend the written examination/interview.
  9. Employed applicants should send their applications through their employer with No Objection Certificate (Original)for applying to the vacant posts at KVK, Gadag.
  10. The candidates applying for the post of Senior Scientist and Head, SMS (Agronomy) and Programme Assistant who have studied under Trimester system and other than 10 point grading system are required to produce the equivalent percentage certificate obtained from the respective university.
  11. Application must be accompanied by attested copies of Marks sheets, Educational Certificates, Experience Certificates, Publications, Research Notes, Certificates of Awards/Medals related to past service etc. and the details of research or related publication, if any in support of eligibility.
  12. Persons with working knowledge of Kannada will be given preference.
  13. A Demand Draft from Nationalised Bank for Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) (Non refundable) as processing fees drawn in favour of “Agricultural Science Foundation, Hulkoti”, payable at Gadag City be attached with application form. SC/ST and Women candidates are exempted from paying processing fee.
  14. Incomplete applications without supporting documents viz, proof for date of birth, proof for claiming age relaxation, proof of essential qualifications, Demand Draft and applications received after due date will be summarily rejected without any notice and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
  15. The envelope containing duly signed application and testimonials should be super-scribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF SENIOR SCIENTIST AND HEAD or SUBJECT MATTER SPECIALIST (AGRONOMY)” or PROGRAMME ASSISTANT (LAB TECHNICIAN) or DRIVER” and has to be sent so as to reach “CHAIRMAN, AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, HULKOTI – 582205, GADAG DISTRICT, KARNATAKA STATE by REGISTERED POST ONLY on or before 05-09-2023.
  16. ASF will not be responsible for any postal delay.
Agricultural Science Foundation
Gadag District, Karnataka State
© K H Patil Krishi Vigyana Kendra, Hulkoti Designed By Mrs.Lalita S. Asuti, Computer Programmer, KHP KVK, Hulkoti