Hulkoti, Gadag District, Karnataka
Hulkoti, Gadag District, Karnataka
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) is a project supported by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Department of Agricultural Research and Education under the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. The project is being implemented by a Non-Governmental Organisation named Agricultural Science Foundation since 1985. KVK is located in Hulkoti village of Gadag district in Karnataka State.
Conducting on-farm testing to identify the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.
Organising frontline demonstration to establish production potential of various crops and enterprises on the farmers' fields.
Organising need based training of farmers to update their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies related to technology assessment, refinement and demonstration, and training of extension personnel to orient them in the frontier areas of technology development.
Creating awareness about improved technologies to larger masses through appropriate extension programmes.
Production and supply of good quality seeds and planting materials, livestock, poultry and fisheries breeds and products and various bio-products to the farming community.
Work as resource and knowledge centre of agricultural technology for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the district.
I am very happy to visit this Institute. This Institute has been formed by the all time great leader Shri K.H.Patil ji to provide the modern knowledge in the field of Agriculture. This has helped the farmers in this part of the State and Agriculture in general.
Krishi Vigyan Kendras are playing pivotal role in handholding of farmers through technological backstopping for enhancing the productivity of crops and enterprise keeping in mind profitability and sustainability.
I feel very proud and happy about ICAR- K.H.Patil Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hulkoti for their constant efforts in dissemination of technologies to the farming community across the district and helping the farmers in adoption.